Category: Hunting

Now I’m Cookin’!

Some women love jewelry.  Some can’t live without chocolates or perfume.  There are those who live for furs. And don’t forget the flowers. My Deerslayer   knows what tickles my fancy, blows my skirt up, sends me swooning. For our camping trip to Wyoming… Continue Reading “Now I’m Cookin’!”

Too Many Coolers on a Camping Trip?

Welllllll… the Deerslayer’s wife would’ve said, “Yup!”  I would’ve drawn the line at the 6 other Igloo coolers that we already own.  But these are Yeti coolers!  And they’re made in TEXAS.  Talk to any hunter about coolers and a distinct reverence is suddenly detected.… Continue Reading “Too Many Coolers on a Camping Trip?”

Only 3 1/2 More Months

Roasted Corn and Poblano Chowder with Whitewing Dove Breast First of all, it just occurred to the Deerslayer family that, in South Texas, whitewing season will commence in three and a half short months.    With that in mind, it was safe for me… Continue Reading “Only 3 1/2 More Months”

Chinese Venison with Broccoli and Sugar Snap Peas

No, this is not an authentic recipe. No, I don’t know if the Chinese eat venison at all.  I DO know that this is a recipe that uses venison in its purest form, seared and deliciously rare. It also incorporates Asian flavors like fresh… Continue Reading “Chinese Venison with Broccoli and Sugar Snap Peas”

Pecan Crusted Venison Steaks with Mustard Sauce

I was so excited when I came up with this recipe the other day.  It turned out well enough that I’d be willing to serve it to guests.  Once again, while it’s relatively simple, it requires the ability to “think outside the box” regarding what… Continue Reading “Pecan Crusted Venison Steaks with Mustard Sauce”

If I Could Save Time in a Bottle…

the first thing that I’d like to do … is buy several cases and hide them under my bed! This little hint has turned into a real time saver.  Every so often, I slow-cook up a roasting pan full of venison and/or wild pork… Continue Reading “If I Could Save Time in a Bottle…”

Venison and Wild Pork Lasagna

I must say that I, like countless others, cannot imagine life without pasta.  It simply wouldn’t be worth living.  Bread, too.  And anything with gluten.  That said, I questioned whether or not I should even bother providing this recipe.  Surely, everyone has a recipe… Continue Reading “Venison and Wild Pork Lasagna”

Waste Not Want Not

Venison Bolillo Tortas (Sandwiches) I’ve said before that, when it comes to hunting, it’s important to me to use as much of a harvested animal as possible. While my part in the hunting process is limited to preparation of the meat, I feel strongly… Continue Reading “Waste Not Want Not”

Some Days Just Scream Out for Chili-Roni

Chili-Mac with Ground Venison & Ground Pork Everyone has his/her favorite comfort food.  My family loves chicken fried venison steaks with garlic mashed potatoes and cream gravy.  We all love venison meatloaf.  It makes the house smell great!  Any type of pasta is comforting.… Continue Reading “Some Days Just Scream Out for Chili-Roni”

Wild Pork Done Right/ Wild Pork Done Easy

A couple of weeks ago, my deerslayer was called upon to put together a birthday extravaganza for the patriarch of the Deerslayer clan.  The venue was a given; the family beach house near South Padre Island; rustic, grungy and the site of many, many… Continue Reading “Wild Pork Done Right/ Wild Pork Done Easy”

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~And it is always eighteen ninety-five~